The Madlitz Landscape Park
In the middle of Alt Madlitz is the oldest landscape park in Brandenburg. The creator of this historic green space was Friedrich Ludwig Karl Finck von Finckenstein who deviated from the French Baroque gardens that were common at the time to realize his dream of an English-style park. His love for the park extended so far that he had his heart buried there, surrounded by thirteen field stones representing the number of his children. Today’s `Heart Mountain` is located aside one of the two lakes, amidst rolling hills and winding paths.
At the time of the German reunification, the park was completely overgrown and partially destroyed. Through the initiative of Cornelie Bösel, it has been restored as much as possible and is freely accessible. As with everywhere on the farm, the park suffers from climate change, storms and drought, which every year tear down a few of the trees. Our team takes care of the park and the preservation of these historic trees all year round, to keep the park and its history alive.

"Now I enter the garden's green corridors!
How fresh and lovely there the deep grounds!
The loneliness is pleasant and gentle,
Like choral singing, the brewing throng rushes here."